
Regulations on energy labeling for electric automobiles and motorbikes in Vietnam

  1. Legal Basis
  • Law on Economical and Efficient Use of Energy No. 50/2010/QH12
  • Decree No. 21/2011/ND-CP dated March 29, 2011 of the Government detailing and providing measures for implementing the Law on Economical and Efficient Use of Energy
  • Circular No. 48/2022/TT-BGTVT dated December 30, 2022 of the Ministry of Transport guiding on energy labeling for electric and hybrid electric cars, motorbikes and mopeds
  1. 1. Regulations on energy labeling for electric automobiles and motorbikes in Vietnam

    Accordingly, the energy labeling for electric cars and motorbikes is regulated as follows:

    – Manufacturers, assemblers (SXLRs), importers (NKs) print their own energy labels according to the form prescribed by the Ministry of Industry and Trade.

    – For vehicles using the same Energy Consumption Test Report, SXLR and NK establishments can publish information on the same energy label.

    – Location of energy label:

    + For pure electric cars and plug-in hybrid cars:
    The energy label must be affixed to the inside of the vehicle, on the driver’s side, on the rear fixed side window or on the rear windshield, in a position that is easily visible from the outside of the vehicle.

    For cases where it is difficult to see when pasting inside the vehicle, it is allowed to stick it on the outside of the vehicle at an easy-to-observe position.

    + For pure-electric motorcycles, pure-electric motorcycles and hybrid electric motorcycles: the energy label must be affixed at an easy-to-observe position.

    2. Inspection and supervision related to the implementation of energy labeling in Vietnam

    Quality management agency (QM) organizes inspection and supervision related to the implementation of energy labeling as follows:

    Annually, planning and inspecting compliance with energy consumption information disclosure and vehicle labeling by vehicle manufacturers, importers, and traders in accordance with the guidance in Chapter III of Circular 48/2022/TT-BGTVT.

    – Unscheduled inspection if well-founded feedback and complaints about signs of violations related to energy labeling implementation at SXLR and NK establishments are received.

    In the event that there are obvious signs of a violation of the declared energy consumption, the quality management agency has the authority to request that the producer and importer retest the energy consumption and re-disclose the energy consumption information.

    3. Responsibilities of manufacturers, importers and traders of vehicles regarding energy labeling in Vietnam

    – Publicizing information on energy consumption and label energy for vehicles according to the guidance in Circular 48/2022/TT-BGTVT before being put on the market.

    – Taking responsibility before the law for the accuracy and truthfulness of the test report and the published energy consumption content.

    – SXLR and NK establishments shall store documents related to the publicity of energy consumption information, including: a public version of energy consumption; a copy of the report on the energy consumption of the vehicle type for at least 3 years from the time of stopping SXLR, importing the vehicle type.

    – Manufacturers and importers make periodic reports and send them to the quality management agency, including the following information:

    + Report title: “periodic report on energy labeling”

    + Required reporting content: number of vehicle types with energy labels; general average energy consumption in the previous year of each producer and importer;

    + Reporting objects: LR, import establishments;

    + Reporting agency: Vietnam Registry Department;

    + Method of sending and receiving reports: reports are presented in the form of paper documents or electronic documents; sent by one of the following methods: direct mail, postal service, email system, or other methods as prescribed by law;

    + Report submission deadline: December 20th of each year at the latest;

    + Frequency of reporting: annual report;

    + Time to close report data: from December 15 of the year before the reporting period to December 14 of the reporting period;

    + Form of report data: according to the instructions in Appendix X issued together with Circular 48/2022/TT-BGTVT.

    – Producers and importers are responsible for reporting to the quality management agency when there are changes related to the publicized energy label information for consideration and settlement.

  • English
  • Tiếng Việt