
Procedures of Business location establishment

Procedures of Business location establishment

  1. Legal Basis:
  • Law on Enterprise No. 59/2020/QH14 dated June 17, 2020.
  • Decree No. 01/2021/ND-CP of the Government dated January 4, 2021 on Business registration.
  • Circular No. 01/2021/TT-BKHDT of the Ministry of Planning and Investment dated March 16, 2021 Guidance on business registration.
  1. Procedures of Business location establishment

2.1. What is a business location of an enterprise?

Business location is the place where an enterprise conducts its specific business activities. The business location is allowed to do business in the lines of business that the company has registered, but not all, but only a specific group of lines of business that the business selects from the parent company’s line of business.

Business location is a dependent accounting unit. Accordingly, enterpeises that want to expand their business scope but do not want to incur complicated tax declaration procedures should choose to establish a business location.

2.2. Requirements for business location name

  • The name of the business location must meet the following requirements:
    • The name of a business location shall consist of letters in the Vietnamese alphabet, the letters F, J, Z, W, numbers and symbols.
    • The name of a business location shall consist the enterprise’s name and the phrase “Chi nhánh”, “Văn phòng đại diện” or “Địa điểm kinh doanh” respectively.
    • The name of a business location shall be displayed at the branch, representative office or business location.
  • In addition to the name in Vietnamese, the business location of the enterprise can register a name in a foreign language and an abbreviated name. A name in a foreign language is a name translated from a Vietnamese name into one of the foreign languages in the Latin script. Abbreviated names are abbreviated from Vietnamese names or names in foreign languages.
  • The proper name part of the business location name of the enterprise must not use the phrases “company” or “enterprise”.

2.3. Procedure

  • Submit a notice of business location establishment: Within 10 days from the date of decision on business location establishment, the enterprise sends a notice of business location establishment to the Business Registration Office where the business location is located.
  • Receive and process application: The Business Registration Office will consider and resolve within 03 working days from the date of receipt of valid documents:

+ In case the application is valid, the Business Registration Office updates information about the business location in the National Business Registration Database for the enterprise.

+ In case an enterprise needs it, the Business Registration Office will issue a Business Location Registration Certificate to the enterprise.

+ In case the application is not valid, the Business Registration Office will notify the enterprise in writing of the content that needs to be amended or supplemented.

2.3. Application

  • Notice of business location establishment;
  • Power of attorney for the individual/organization submitting the application;
  • Certified copy of ID card/ID card/Passport of the individual submitting the application.

2.4. How to perform

  • Submit directly to the Business Registration Office – Department of Planning and Investment where the business location is located;
  • Submit via postal service;
  • Submitonline via the National Business Registration Portal.
  1. Reference

National Business Registration Portal.:

  • English
  • Tiếng Việt